Wednesday, February 15, 2012

road trip.

Jacob and I are headed up to my parent's house in New York tomorrow. We're driving. With both dogs. Yeah.

While road trips can sometimes be fun, like if you're, say, headed across the country, this particular one is less exciting. Aside from South of the Border, there really isn't anything interesting about 95. The one thing I usually look forward to when driving up north is Bojangles. Yes, we have them in Savannah, but I only allow myself to eat there while on a road trip. It's just my rule. Their sweet tea and chicken biscuits are the stuff dreams are made of. However, Jacob and I are trying to be good... so no Bojangles this time.::wah, wah::

Despite the drive, I'm really looking forward to the vacation. In addition to visiting family, we'll be attending a wedding for my cousin, and I have a feeling it's going to be amazing. We'll also be visiting Charleston for Brewvival, an even we look forward to all year. SO it's going to be a good week, so good in fact, I can handle the 18 hour drive.

Until we speak again:
2. Another awesome Miss Moss matchup: Food & Fashion.
3. Unbelievably amazing wedding...I think I need a teepee at our wedding. Seriously. {part 1 & 2}
4. Underwater dogs... the buddies look so scary!
5. I seriously almost had a heart attack from excitement when I saw these Roald Dahl stamps. Then I realized they were Royal Mail stamps. But they're still pretty awesome.
6. Great inspiration for a fun and flirty bridal shower.
7. Living In feature of one of my favorite movies when I was in high school... what teenager doesn't dream of being kidnapped by a rock band?

1 comment:

  1. Have a good trip! You can always stop by Richmond if you need to. :)



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