So clearly I didn't get my act together for these moments, next year I'll have to start sooner. Honestly, when I think of moments from the year that I want to remember the most, traveling is the first thing that comes to mind. Vacations seem to be the highlight, if I could travel all year long I would, I mean who wouldn't? If only I could have majored in "world traveler" in college.
Anyway, Jacob and I visited Asheville, NC for the first time this year and fell in love. I grew up around the Adirondacks so visiting mountain towns is kind of comforting. Aside from the geography, Asheville is an amazing place to visit if you're a lover of great food and beer, which, i needn't remind you, both of us are. Our vacations of late seem to turn into Jacob's quest for beer, which led us to Pisgah Brewery on Black Mountain, a great organic brewery. As for me, I'm happy wherever there's a lot of really great food, and Asheville certainly didn't disappoint. My favorites being Limones and the Thirsty Monk. Perhaps another visit in 2011?
One of my oldest and closest friends came to visit me this year which was definitely a highlight since we hadn't seen each other in 4 years! Ember lives in Phoenix so it's difficult to hang, but her visit was rad.

Next up: family vacation. This year for my mother's birthday {an undisclosed number} we went on a cruise to Mexico. I had never been on one and wasn't all that excited for it, but I was pleasantly surprised. The boat was beautiful, although I wouldn't really recommend Mexico as a destination. I had been there before and kind of thought it was not my fav and all my thought were confirmed on this trip. The problem with a cruise is they drop you off in the most touristy areas, there's no way to get a feel for the real culture or country, it seems like a waste. The best part of our stops in Mexico was when we asked our tour guide to take us to one of his favorite restaurants. He took us to an authentic place where we had tongue and pigs head soup which was delicious. Not sure I would choose to go on another cruise but it was still a vacation and so it still qualifies as a highlight.

After the cruise my family hung around in Cali. We went to San Diego where I was able to visit another one of my oldest friends, Aimee. We also got to go to the zoo {awesome}. Then we visited L.A. The traffic there is horrible, but it was cool to see all sorts of places I've seen in movies and on tv. We went to Beverly Hills at night and ate at Bouchon which was amazing. Plus Thomas Keller was there and Beck was at the table next to us, pretty cool. The last trip of the year was D.C. We visited Jacob's family in Maryland for Thanksgiving and basically spent the whole week driving around the area. We went to D.C. twice, Baltimore and Alexandria. One of my favorite parts was going to the Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian, and that night we went to a Caps game. We also got to tour the White House which was pretty exciting.
So there you have it, 2010 in pictures. I can't wait to see what 2011 brings!