And so ends another year. 2012 has been filled with extreme highs and a few incredible lows, but I feel like there's been a sort of fitting end to it. It's the first year where I truly feel like it could be a fresh start, a clean slate. Generally I roll my eyes at this sentiment, but circumstances as they are, going into 2013 will be a new beginning, and one I'm quite looking forward to.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
so long 2012!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
merry merry.
Jacob and I have had an uncharacteristically somber holiday season thus far {as much of country has,so we can't complain much}, but we're determined to have a merry christmas with friends and family. We're heading up to New York today where I plan on doing nothing but eating, sitting by the fire, and drinking eggnog. If all of those things get done, I'll be very happy girl.
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 17, 2012
2012 gift guides {for her}
This year I'm into pretty and cozy little things. If I could, I would probably just ask for blankets, slippers, and pjs, but I suppose that would be a little silly. Still, it's on my mind, and when I put all of these things together, I realized the theme. Oh well, at least there's a hot pink satchel to balance it out.
1.Polka Dot leggings; 2. Wishbone Jewelry holder; 3. Cupcakes and Cashmere; 4. What Kate Ate; 5. Essie nail polish; 6. Kelsey Riley's Downton Abbey scarf; 7. Jersey Romper; 8. Ranunculus iphone case; 9. Hot Pink Cambridge Satchel; 10. Topaz Ring; 11. Anchor Mug; 12. Anchor Scarf; 13. Toast Slippers; 14. Rifle desk Calendar; 15. Hudson Bay Blanket; 16. Elizabeth Mayville Top Knot print
1.Polka Dot leggings; 2. Wishbone Jewelry holder; 3. Cupcakes and Cashmere; 4. What Kate Ate; 5. Essie nail polish; 6. Kelsey Riley's Downton Abbey scarf; 7. Jersey Romper; 8. Ranunculus iphone case; 9. Hot Pink Cambridge Satchel; 10. Topaz Ring; 11. Anchor Mug; 12. Anchor Scarf; 13. Toast Slippers; 14. Rifle desk Calendar; 15. Hudson Bay Blanket; 16. Elizabeth Mayville Top Knot print
Friday, December 14, 2012
Where has the time gone? Seriously, we're about a week away from Christmas and I'm not sure exactly how we got here. I'm finished with most of my gifts, which is a relief, but I still have a lot to do before Jacob and I make the drive up to New York.
This weekend, however, will be spent baking and working on fun new projects. The temperature in Savannah has dropped below 65 so my hands are constantly cold and I've been drinking a lot of hot beverages, I'm thinking it may be time for hot chocolate though, as that's the one thing I haven't really gotten to yet this season. Perhaps Sunday....
I hope your weekend is lovely and filled with lots of holiday cheer!
While you're sipping on hot chocolate:
1. Great tumbler I lost about 3 hours to the other day.
2. So excited for Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to host the Golden Globes, it may bring me out of the deep depression I've been in ever since finding out Amy and Will split... still not over it.
3. Speaking of things I'm excited for... GIRLS.
4.15 Hollywood Heroines, beautiful.
5. Lovely, lovely gold and glitter wedding {i know, both of those things together, my head almost exploded} I helped with {1,2}. Design and event planning from Andrea Gray Harper of GHEM, and photos by Jade & Matthew Take Pictures. So much fun!
This weekend, however, will be spent baking and working on fun new projects. The temperature in Savannah has dropped below 65 so my hands are constantly cold and I've been drinking a lot of hot beverages, I'm thinking it may be time for hot chocolate though, as that's the one thing I haven't really gotten to yet this season. Perhaps Sunday....
I hope your weekend is lovely and filled with lots of holiday cheer!
While you're sipping on hot chocolate:
1. Great tumbler I lost about 3 hours to the other day.
2. So excited for Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to host the Golden Globes, it may bring me out of the deep depression I've been in ever since finding out Amy and Will split... still not over it.
3. Speaking of things I'm excited for... GIRLS.
4.15 Hollywood Heroines, beautiful.
5. Lovely, lovely gold and glitter wedding {i know, both of those things together, my head almost exploded} I helped with {1,2}. Design and event planning from Andrea Gray Harper of GHEM, and photos by Jade & Matthew Take Pictures. So much fun!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
2012 gift guides {for the hostess}
While it's not mandatory to bring a gift with you to each party or dinner gathering, it's a very nice gesture for the host, especially at this time of year. Parties don't get thrown together by themselves, so it's just a nice way to say thank you. I don't think they need to be anything major, a bottle of wine or flowers is always lovely, but once in a while it's nice to bring something different. Any of these fine items would make this hostess quite pleased.
1. Back in the Day Bakery Cookbook; 2. Royal Lavender & Rose Syrup; 3. Chalkboard Spice Jars; 4. Gold Cake Stand; 5. Mrs. Lillien's Cocktail Swatchbook; 6. Confetti System Ornaments; 7. Honeycomb Flute; 8. Mason Jar Cocktail Shaker; 9. Rewind Candle; 10. Measuring Hedgies; 11. Perc Coffee; 12. Gold Salt Cellar
1. Back in the Day Bakery Cookbook; 2. Royal Lavender & Rose Syrup; 3. Chalkboard Spice Jars; 4. Gold Cake Stand; 5. Mrs. Lillien's Cocktail Swatchbook; 6. Confetti System Ornaments; 7. Honeycomb Flute; 8. Mason Jar Cocktail Shaker; 9. Rewind Candle; 10. Measuring Hedgies; 11. Perc Coffee; 12. Gold Salt Cellar
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
2012 gift guide {for him}
Christmas gifts have been stressing me out more than usual this year, I had resigned myself to the idea that everyone would be getting photos of our wedding, but that seemed a little boring. So, I poured over websites and blog guides to find the perfect gift for the special ones in my life.
For Jacob, while I started out conservative, it seems I've once again gone over budget, but in doing so, I found a lot of great gifts for the lovely, manly men in your life, so you're welcome.
1. Hudson Manhattan Whiskey; 2. State Print; 3. Ron Swanson Mug; 4. Gold Jigger; 5. Joe Beef Cookbook; 6. J.Crew Sweater; 7. Brooklyn Beer Making Kit; 8. Royal Crown Pomade; 9. Beer/Food Calendar; 10. Shun Chef's Knife; 11. Billy Reid Tee; 12. Humidor; 13. Gold Cheese knife set
For Jacob, while I started out conservative, it seems I've once again gone over budget, but in doing so, I found a lot of great gifts for the lovely, manly men in your life, so you're welcome.
1. Hudson Manhattan Whiskey; 2. State Print; 3. Ron Swanson Mug; 4. Gold Jigger; 5. Joe Beef Cookbook; 6. J.Crew Sweater; 7. Brooklyn Beer Making Kit; 8. Royal Crown Pomade; 9. Beer/Food Calendar; 10. Shun Chef's Knife; 11. Billy Reid Tee; 12. Humidor; 13. Gold Cheese knife set
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
happy thanksgiving.
I'm so excited for tomorrow's festivities. For the last couple of years I've spent Thanksgiving working and, while I'll still be hard at work baking and cooking, I'll also be able to catch the parade {my favorite} and I get to share dinner with some special friends. It's also quite exciting because Jacob and I get to break out all or fun gifts from the wedding {it's the little things people}. I hope where ever you are and however you spend your holiday, it's filled with good food, good friends, and lot's of love.
Monday, November 19, 2012
currently obsessed with.....
Long time, no see! I've been having technical issues.... as in, my computer crashed, and I'm waiting for Apple to unveil their new imacs. I thought I'd pop by and say hello,talk about my current obsession {gold...and also glitter}, seriously it's been everywhere lately, and I'm super happy about it. I may or may not have already talked about my gold obsession, but I'm not over it... and it may have actually gotten worse.
There's so much going on this week! I'm working on some really exciting projects with some fabulous ladies that hopefully I'll be able to share soon. Also, there's Thanksgiving, which I'm so excited about. It will be the first time in our 5 years together that Jacob and I will be able to spend the holiday together, so we're going all out. Expect a lot of dessert recipes coming up, I've been stockpiling.
Friday, October 19, 2012
have a beyond lovely weekend.
I've been quite absent lately, but now that the wedding is over, I hope to get back to keeping up with the blog much more. To recap the last week, Jacob and I got married! It was incredible, the venue, Dunham Farms is the stuff dreams are made of, and photos {which I hope to share with you soon} are absolutely dreamy. I'm going to spend next week going through all the small details that made up our beyond special day, but for now, here's a sneak peek. A family friend made us these lovely cornholes and our planner, Andrea, made the silhouette corn bags. This weekend we'll be trying to put our home and life back together, but I wish we could go back and do it all again!
Around the web:
2. Yay, a new food blog to follow!
3. Obsessed with this peacoat I tried on in navy while in Charleston, Jacob told me I looked like Madeline, SOLD.
4. My wedding gift from Jacob, a limited edition bag for J.Crew from Fleabags. Love it!
5. Jade & Matthew {our AMAZING photographers} posted some photos on their blog, and they're ridiculous. I can't stop looking at them, they just capture the love and happiness that was everywhere that day. {1,2}
Friday, September 28, 2012
have a lovely weekend.
I realize that I've been a little M.I.A lately, for that, I'm sorry, but I wanted to stop by and say hello before this last weekend of September. I've been quite busy lately, so this weekend will probably be more of the same, but w'ere getting super close to the wedding, so even though I still have a ton of stuff to do, it's amazing to look back and see what's been accomplished over the last year. It's wonderful and overwhelming.
I hope you all have an absolutely fantastic weekend!
Just in case you're not busy:
1. If you love the buddies as much as I do.
2. I almost fell out of my chair when looking at this dreamy wedding.
3. We got our marriage license this week and this topic left me in tears.
I hope you all have an absolutely fantastic weekend!
Just in case you're not busy:
1. If you love the buddies as much as I do.
2. I almost fell out of my chair when looking at this dreamy wedding.
3. We got our marriage license this week and this topic left me in tears.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
early fall roundup
Thursday, September 13, 2012
one month to go....

I realize my blog has kind of turned into "all about the wedding," so I'm sorry for that, but the good news is, it's almost here. I can't believe how much I have to get done in the next month, but I will say seeing everything come together is making me really excited. I honestly can't get over the fact that we've been engaged for a year now, it's insane, this has literally been the fastest year of my life, but it's also been one of the most exciting. So, thanks for sticking with my guys and I promise to write about something other than the wedding soon. :)
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
wedding wednesdays {our invitations}
I wanted to share a little sneak peek of our wedding, the invitation. I labored over the design and Jacob's mother worked feverishly on the printing and paper. I'm really happy with how they turned out and people seem to like them, so that's nice. The design is a little indication of how the reception will look... but I'm not going to give anything else away.
Friday, September 7, 2012
have a lovely weekend.

Jacob is in Maryland this weekend for a wedding, and I'm home with the buddies, so I'm thinking lots of girl time is ahead of me. I see wedding stuff, bravo tv, rose, hunger games, magazine reading, and nail painting in my future. Nothing wrong with that.
Around the web:
1.I NEED THESE NOW. I love Roald Dahl.
2. I think I'd like to fill my closet with about 20 of these sweaters for fall.
3. Such a charming wedding, and lovely photos from Kate Miss.
4. Some great ideas for a new wardrobe.
5. Seinfeld posters. They're very refreshing!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Elegantissima Typography

It's always a great day when I receive a package from Princeton Architectural Press, and today this little beauty was delivered. Elegantissima Typography is a collection of Louise Fili's work over the last 40 years. There's a little bit of everything in this book, from logo to package design, and it's truly lovely to look through!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
wedding wednesdays {escort cards}
Friday, August 24, 2012
happy weekend!

This weekend Jacob and I are going to be taking our engagement photos. I know, it's a little late right? Well, we could never agree on a place or a theme, and I finally got to the point where I didn't care. We don't have any nice photos together and I want some, so I'm looking forward to getting a little practice this weekend for all those wedding photos we'll have to take in a couple of months. I'm also excited because the weather, despite being rainy, has gotten much cooler, I'm sure it won't last, but I'm enjoying it for now!
Incase it rains:
1.Taking inspiration from this lovely engagement session.
2. Super cute etsy shop.
3. This adorable tea cup and saucer.
4. And finally, my friend {and wedding planner}, Andrea, had a cocktail featured on Style Me Pretty, photographed by our photographers Jade & Matthew!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
wedding wednesdays {signage}

Right now, I've been working on a lot of the paper goods and signage that will be hanging around the farm during the wedding. Jacob's mom is working on calligraphy and wood pieces, and I can't wait to see everything. I think the details are what makes a wedding or any event special, it's that thing people will be telling there friends about, so I think having little messages all over the place for people to read will be really special. It's amazing to get to this point and start seeing things come together. Finally after thinking and talking about everything for a year, i've started seeing finished products and I'm super excited!
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